Thursday, August 27, 2009

City girl meets country cow pasture

I love things that are out of place. A bathtub full of books instead of water, lying in bed with a guitar instead of a man, bedroom furniture set up in the back yard. I find these scenes interesting to create or capture. I'm fascinated by the idea of something being out of place. Of course, in our human minds, there are things that make sense and things that don't....a bathtub is created to be filled with water and bathe in so items such as soap, a naked body, or a wash cloth don't arouse any amount of astonishment when among the tile and porcelain. We've created these things that must be a specific way otherwise we scoff at their confusing state. But why must everything make sense? Why can't we be comfortable with a little chaos, a little peculiarity, a reassembling of logical ideas or circumstances? I suppose I'm simply driven to make things interesting, to create a ripple in a still pool, to stimulate my eyes and mind. I feel insane when my world is tame.

~Lola Rain

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